Call of Duty puts players in the shoes of a foot soldier in the American, British, and Russian armies during the Second World War. These soldiers aren't the one-man armies of other games; these soldiers are just another cog in the war machine.
Amazing sound and chaotic combat are the rule as you and your computer controlled squads attack and defend towns, infiltrate German naval ships, race headlong through the German front lines, and drive tanks from D-Day to the capture of Berlin. Add a healthy portion of multiplayer gaming with 5 modes of play and the nifty new Killcam and you've got yourself a tight package that will keep you glued to your seat.
Whats Ripped??
Music,company logo etc. SPEECH and SFX is complete!
1) Launch "Unpak.bat" to unpack datas.
2) Launch "CoDSP.exe".
3) Enjoy !!
#1 : In order to play LAN, each opponent must have his own
key. To change your key, read "Main\_Change Key.txt".
#2 : You can expect an addon for Ambient sounds & musics.
Special Info Note:
Some virus-scanner recognize the header of packed exe's as a lame virus (coz it's
the mostly byte by byte check error of 'em!. This is truly a false information!.
Download Part1 here
Download Part2 here
Download Part3 here
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Call of Duty [425 MB Only]
Posted by Harish (WebMaster) at 7/27/2010 03:05:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Games Zone